
COVID-19: Clinic Updates

Taking extra precautions at the clinic, and before you come for your appointment.

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Key Points

  • Both patients and staff will continue to wear masks until further notice.  We see a variety of patients with different needs and vulnerabilities and we want everyone to be safe.
  • We will be continuing the wellness check prior to appointments.  Please stay home if you are feeling unwell.

COVID-19 Clinic Update

Alberta has entered Stage 3 of the #OpenForSummer plan. Like most Albertans, we're excited about a return to normal life. Although we are itching to see everyone’s big smiles...at our clinics we'd like to err on the side of caution and settle for “eye smiles” for a little while longer. We see a variety of patients with different needs and vulnerabilities and we want everyone to feel safe! We kindly ask, therefore, that you continue to wear your mask when in the clinic. In addition, we will continue all of the cleaning and disinfecting protocols as well as giving each other a little extra space.

We ask that you continue to do your wellness check either online or in the clinic and please stay home if you are feeling unwell. Thank you for understanding and we look forward to seeing you soon.

The Maximum Potential Physio Team

Maximum Potential Physiotherapy

Email: info@maximumpotentialphysio.ca

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